I'm freezing and wish my toilet worked so I could take a shit. anyway, I'm Dylan. I'm a ripe 18 years of age, very fertile. I shout, mumble, dance, bleed, and vomit in Most Ill. I've also got a tendency to pee like a Cocker Spaniel.
Who else is in Most Ill, and how did Most Ill come about?
Dingbat plays drums and wears the lingerie in the band. Billy Dean plays bass and makes me feel better for not smelling as bad as him, and Carl wields the axe.
So i've heard the new demo from you guys, it's deffinatly something that people should be talking about, it's very good. What influenced you when you wrote for both of these demo's?, both musically and personally.
ha, I tried to quit the band before we wrote the demo. two of the songs on the demo are songs that were written for a different band that just evolved to be Most Ill again. I can't speak for the others about their influences, but I listen to a lot of folk and late 90s/early 00s Boston bands like Cut the Shit and Tear It Up. I like stuff that has an old rock n roll feel underneath all the rage. on a personal level, I wrote a lot in reaction to all the hype about this year being an election year. who gives a fuck? and why do people only care about politics every four years? and why do you think that a simple vote is going to change the world? I've also been pretty fired up about the economic bailout. fuck corporate socialism. why don't they bail out the hundreds of thousands of college students with the equivalent of a mortgage debt hanging over their heads just from getting an education? you're wealthy friends don't deserve to be given hand outs because they didn't know how to run their company's finances. it's fucking dumb. bring on the Depression. I've got nothing to lose but my empty bank account.
In today's constantly evolving hardcore/punk scene, what do you think that we are seriously lacking? What can we do to help the situation?
We're lacking compassion. I hate going to shows and seeing people think it's funny when someone gets hurt.and I don't like how the counter-culture sometimes looks like a little brother to the mainstream. we're here because we want music that means something, and our bands want representation that's fair. I don't like seeing bands play music that I can hear on ClearChannel radio or see on Fuse. I guess one thing we could do to fix these problems is stop supporting them, and stop welcoming businessman and jock, conventional attitudes into our communities.
How old were you when you first started going to shows? do you remember your first show, where was it, and who was on the bill? What got you in the whole hardcore/punk scene?
I was thirteen or fourteen when I attended my first show. it was right after HYAMP had first opened, and it was Strike Anywhere, this awesome band called Challenger and some other forgettables. Challenger brought a book distro on tour with them, and that was the coolest thing I'd ever seen. I was attracted to the community because it meant something, it was sincere, and the people were inclusive. I didn't feel like a nerd while I was there.
Actually, I'd been to a few shows before the Strike Anywhere one. a few at the YWCA and one at the American Legion, but I don't remember them being good representations of punk and hardcore culture, so I didn't talk about them.
Anyway, that show got me into punk and 80's hardcore. it took seeing Bane live to get me to open my mind to modern hardcore bands. I was in Seattle, and found an all ages venue that happened to have a show tonight. opening band covered Minor Threat. that ruled. Bane stopped their set because a fight broke out, and that was inspiring. violence doesn't belong in the scene, and I love how Bane doesn't enourage any barrier between them and the crowd. I don't think this community should have any barriers like that. when I'm on stage, I don't want to feel like an entertainer.
Any big plans for Most Ill in 2009? Any touing, maybe a 7'',split or maybe the big one a FULL LENGTH!
we've got a week-long tour set for the first week of January. I think we're going to try to put the demo out on wax. a couple bands have been talking to us about a split. I'd really like to do one with Full Force, and I don't know about a full length. that'd be sweet, for sure! we'll see.
We just found a time machine, you can go back to any show, in any era, ever. whether you've seen it or not. What show(s) would you have loved to had seen?
I really don't know. I'd loved to have seen Black Flag, but who wouldn't? Chokehold, and that whole vegan straight-edge era. Suicide File. I'd rather see some of the current bands out right now. 7 Generations, Government Warning, Empty Grave, Die Young. let's look forward rather than dwell on the past.
What have you been listening to lately?
Coke Bust has been seeing my record player a lot recently. Paint It Black, too. I've been listening to a lot of Mischied Brew and Ghost Mice. Punch In the Face. Scholastic Death. AFI's Very Proud of Ya and Nerve Agents' Days of the White Owl always see heavy rotation. I like a lot of the artsier side of hardcore, and strong politics.
Pizza Hut sucks! Domino's is alright. their thin crust is vegan friendly if you don't get cheese, and I think that's sweet! there's a pizza place in Huntington called Z Brick Oven that rules pretty hard, but it always makes my stomach upset. Husson's, though, you can never go wrong with Husson's. I made a real awesome homemade pizza with my girlfriend the other night. peppers and onions and tempeh and homemade crust. it ruled. pizza is my passion. I think I'd rather own a pizzaria than be in a punk band.
Thanks for the interview, Any last words, shout outs, shit talking?
Anytime, mister. be on the lookout for Full Force from Huntington! skate or die punks that love Bones Brigade more than I do! don't forget that punk is inherently political. keep an open mind, and don't give up when the scene seems overwhelming full of bullshit.
Everyone check out Most Ill, thanks to Dylan for the interview again.
Give me some feedback. I'll post more as soon as my camera quits sucking.
thanks for the read!
We All Go Down Together Webzine
Most Ill
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